BWH Hotels is taking the lead on developing a sustainable future for the hospitality industry as part of its Earth, People and Community initiative.

BWH Hotels has committed its support to its hotels to better protect the environment, reduce its carbon footprint and conserve energy and water with the launch of its Earth, People and Community (EPC) program. The brand is championing sustainable products and energy efficient procedures to ensure responsible hotel operations acting as a model for sustainability. As leaders in driving environmental change, BWH Hotels is passionate about transforming the accommodation sector for a sustainable future.

In partnership with The University of Queensland (UQ), BWH properties across Australia and New Zealand are implementing energy saving practices that have been theorised, tested, and tracked to understand their potential to change hotel guest behavior in ways that reduce negative environmental impacts. Equipped with a Sustainability Handbook detailing effective measures, hotels have the tools to reducing unnecessary daily room cleans, driving down buffet food waste, eliminating unnecessary electricity consumption and reducing laundry services. These guest led environmental practices are indicators that BWH is leading the charge on tackling negative environmental impacts.

Working with its hoteliers and the team at UQ, BWH is addressing sustainability by changing hotel guest behaviours without disrupting guest satisfaction, all while driving down operation costs for hoteliers. This industry first collaboration will benefit the entire hospitality and accommodation sector as the duo aim to share these environmentally friendly measures industry wide.

As the hospitality industry faces mounting pressure to address environmental and social concerns the EPC program reflects BWH’s belief that driving progress towards a sustainable future requires collective action. The future expansion of the EPC program will place emphasis on workplace culture and community initiatives that drive the BWH family. With a presence in nearly 100 countries worldwide, the brand’s commitment to sustainability across its global portfolio is an essential step towards responsible tourism.