This March, Flow Power revealed businesses signed onto our Corporate Renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) saved $14M collectively since their contracts began at the start of 2018.

Now, just two months later, the savings are still growing. Businesses have saved an additional $1.4M, bringing total savings since the start of 2018 to $15.4M.

PPAs are no fad. These deals are here for the long haul, and as more businesses make the move to PPAs, the benefits will only increase.

PPAs help integrate renewables into the grid and drive renewable investment in the Australian market. These deals see businesses contract a portion of their consumption from large-scale wind and solar generators and provide low-cost power over the long term.

One of these businesses is Ascham School, which has made the ambitious commitment to being 90% powered by renewables, becoming the first school in NSW to enter into a PPA.

Ascham School Business Manager Mrs Candice Heapes comments, “Our growing focus on sustainability as part of our strategic plan, spurred us on to look at alternative options and sources of energy. At Ascham, the whole school is committed to sustainable actions, so drawing energy from wind and solar farms is a terrific step in greening our future”.

Demand for Corporate Renewable PPAs is increasing and more businesses are choosing to reserve renewable power for the future. With 50MW more of renewable energy committed since March, only 42% of our wind and solar offering is left.

There’s good news for smaller businesses too, Flow Power is making its renewables deals available to them.

Our analysis highlights the significant opportunity for businesses of all sizes to drive down energy expenditure while benefiting from these contracts.

Express your interest in renewable power by putting your business on the List here

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