Hotels can alter or relocate a digital artwork collection on demand and instantaneously when connected to the Niio art display platform – which is now partnering with audio-visual firm Corporate Initiatives.
Incorporating a cloud storage system, the Niio platform allows artists to upload their digital pieces to a program known as ‘Artcasts’. Once published, these pieces are then downloaded to the Niio system and are then able to be displayed on screens of all sizes in hotel lobbies, guest rooms or any location of a hotel’s choosing once a property is subscribed to the Artcasts program, which grants access to more than 32,000 individual pieces from 1,200 artists from 42 countries.
Corporate Initatives’ new partnership with Niio will allow hotels to display artworks in a variety of forms including single display, video art, augmented reality and virtual reality across any number of screens, said Niio Co-Founder and CEO Rob Anders.
Niio’s technology infrastructure also caters to formats including 4K film, animated GIFs and code-art.
“We established Niio to make new media art accessible to a wider audience – taking art beyond the walls of galleries and delivering directly to the audience whether they are at home, at work, or in a public place. By partnering with CI, a trusted and experienced innovator, we can expose the finest digital art from around the world, across Australia – enabling impactful and engaging experiences to many people.”